From ‘Me’ to ‘We’: A Journey toward Community Engagement 

Joining a nonprofit board was not on my bingo card for 2023.  

But two experiences opened my eyes and transformed my perspective from asking, “What can I get?” to “What can I give?”  

And it all began with a simple question: 

“Do I have to?”  

That’s how I responded when I learned I was going through the Leadership Green Bay program. Shouldn’t I have been excited to participate in this prestigious program?  

I was focused on growing myself and didn’t see how this would help. 

However, during the second session, Human Services Day, a seed for community contribution was planted. Amanda Johnson, the Executive Director of Howe Community Resource Center (HCRC), was a presenter who I was paired with. Hearing her share about their impactful work spurred something within me. 

But it was a seed, not a switch. It took me another six months to reach out and have coffee with Amanda, which laid the groundwork for what was to come. 

The second experience was joining O’Connor Connective and beginning a slow transformation process. 

That’s the power of an environment or culture.  

Simply by being placed in a culture with a vision to “Be the partner of choice in the advancement of communities,” I’ve slowly embodied that vision. I want to become a partner in advancing and improving our community. 

It only took five months of “marinating” in this culture to take the leap and join The Howe Community Resource Center’s board.

The Howe Community Resource Center helps ensure that Brown County children and families are safe, healthy and ready for academic and life success. 

I don’t think I would have joined without experiences like Leadership Green Bay and without role models such as those at O’Connor Connective and many others who’ve shaped me. 

And I don’t think I would have experienced these benefits: 

  • Greater empathy for the challenges and barriers others face 
  • More respect for this community and a desire to ensure I do my part 
  • Met incredible humans who have been contributing for a long time 

No matter where you are on your journey, I implore you to take a step back and ask: 

“How can I contribute (more) to the community I work and live in?”  

Your answer, whatever it may be, will help improve this community. 

My transformation was influenced by experiences and environments, and by sharing my story, I hope to inspire you to consider your path to community involvement.  

Together, we can make a difference in the communities we work and live in. 

✍️ Jordan Ogren (Digital Communications Strategist)

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