Today’s cost savings, pace of change and labor market make it an ideal time to redirect from staff to outsourcing to get results.
Here are five reasons to consider outsourcing your communications and marketing team in 2023:

One: Labor Market
You’ve hired. They’ve left. You can’t find anyone else that fits. Outsourcing rather than hiring in-house talent removes the worry of finding, and keeping, a marketing team and improves your continuity in service, delivery and results.

Two: Costs
The cost of an in-house marketing person is going up. Salary, benefits and overhead costs of computers, software, desks, continuing education and more add up. Outsourcing for the same budget can allow for a defined scope of work with a fixed investment.

Three: Broader Skillsets
By taking the dollars you’d invest in one marketing staff member and hiring an outsourced marketing agency, you will get various skillsets for the same investment. Outsourcing allows for a full team to be at your fingertips with various abilities be it strategy, content, digital, social and more.

Four: Fewer Employees for You to Manage
Managing a creative team is hard work. And today, with the expectations of flexibility, working from home, continuing education and the growing mental health challenges we are seeing in the workplace, it’s harder and harder to make the time you need for employees. Outsourcing doesn’t require employee relations and puts that time back in your day.

Five: Expertise
The world of marketing and communications is rapidly changing. The onset of AI tools, the evolution of digital marketing and the intense pace of technological change requires a continual investment in staying ahead of the curve. Outsourcing puts that responsibility on the firm you hire rather than trying to go it alone.
Maybe today is the day for you to put your time, energy and budget into a tighter internal team paired with the expertise of a firm designed to create the ROI you expect. Having been on both sides of this equation throughout my career, today’s market pressures have swung the pendulum to require leaders to seriously evaluate if now is the right time to outsource.
Bridget O’Connor is the owner/founder of O’Connor Connective, a strategy and marketing communications firm focused on advancing clients and communities in Wisconsin.